Dr. Pamela Lovell | Back In Place Chiropractic | Templeton Non-Force

How to Reduce Hip Pain or Knee Pain Caused by IT Band Syndrome

IT Band Syndrome Knee Pain

A condition that we frequently see at Back In Place Chiropractic in Templeton, CA, is iliotibial (IT) band syndrome. The IT band is a long tendon that spans from the hip to the shin bone and when is irritated often causes hip and/or knee pain. Listed below are some actions you may take to relieve and prevent the pains caused by IT band syndrome.

Pain in these areas are often relieved by adjustments to the pelvis, hip, and knee joints. At our office, we use DNFT chiropractic to help align these joints and decrease inflammation to the surrounding tissues. If we find your pain needs attention beyond our practice, we will refer you to the appropriate care.

Irritation to the IT band can be caused by exercising without warming up or dysfunction of the pelvis and/or knee. This pain often feels like an ache over the hip joint or knee that is worse with exercise. Listed below are some exercises to follow to avoid IT band irritation.

Exercises and Stretches to Relieve Pain Caused by IT Band Syndrome

Leg swings. During this stretch, you will use a wall to stabilize yourself with your hands while you swing one leg at a time out from you and then across your midline. Do 10 swings on each side. This stretch is great to do before exercise.

Standing IT band stretch. This stretch is done standing with your left leg crossed behind your right. Raise your left hand above your head and stretch to the right. You should feel a stretch in your left side and thigh. Repeat on the other side.

Seated pigeon pose. This yoga pose is great for hip flexibility. Seated on the ground, cross your legs so your right ankle is sitting on your left knee. Band your left knee and place your left foot on the ground while keeping your right leg crossed. You should feel a stretch in your right hip. Repeat on the other side.

These tools are great for building flexibility in the hips and IT bands. If these exercises are not helping with the pain, remember that dysfunction of the lower extremity joints may be causing the soft tissue to become irritated. Give us a call at 805-434-2077 and we can answer any questions that you may have.